
13 Feb 2013

Map to Business Strategy: Geoff Livingston on #measurePR

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Geoff Livingston was the guest on the bi-weekly #measurePR Twitter chat on Feb. 6. Among other notes for PRs from this pro: map to business strategy.

22 Jan 2013

Count What Counts: #measurePR Words to Live By

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

counting on an abacusA couple of weeks ago, we kicked off the first #measurePR chat of 2013.

If you’ve been around since the first #measurePR, you’ll remember that Katie Paine – who has probably had the single-largest influence on my thinking when it comes to PR measurement – was the chat’s first guest.

So it was only fitting that as we started the 2013 chat series, she was the first guest of […]

24 Jul 2012

#measurePR Recaps for June-July (Chats with @kdpaine, @geoffliving, @leeodden)

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

June & July 2012 saw lively #measurePR chats as Katie Paine, Geoff Livingston & Lee Odden all stopped by the chat.

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