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10 Aug 2010

What Roosters, Forks and Bad Measurement Have In Common

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Bad measurement, meet rooster (and fork).

Ah, measuring communication success.

It can be like…

Locating a needle in a haystack.

(Wouldn’t you think they’d stop hiding the ruddy needles in the ruddy haystacks by now?)

Smuggling daybreak past a rooster. I wish I’d come up with that one.

Image: keepps, Creative Commons

Catching water with a fork, as Alan Chumley of Carma mused.

You see what they all have in common, don’t you?

It is practically impossible to be successful, that’s what.


30 Jul 2010

The Carma of MeasurePR

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

I’m pretty stoked that Alan Chumley of Carma International will be our guest on #measurePR this coming week.

Alan’s a frequent participant in the chat, contributes great information, and perhaps featuring Carma will result in good karma for all of us.

Heh, I couldn’t resist.

We’ll be chatting on August 3, 12-1 pm ET; just use #measurepr as your hashtag on Twitter to follow/participate.

And if you have questions you’d like Alan to weave his grey cells around, please do email or DM them to me ahead of time (ahead of time […]

22 Jul 2010

MeasurePR: The Thud Heard Around The Interwebs

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

A thud for chucks and chicklets

This week’s #measurePR chat was a riot.

The day started (for me, in Alaska), with finding that the oh-so-awesome Lee Odden mentioned the chat as one of the top (in his opinion) Twitter chat for marketing and PR chucks and chicklets.

OK, he didn’t say C&C. That’s all me.

I thought it would be more fun than saying “marketing/PR/SM professionals of all shapes, sizes, hues and gastronomic proclivities.”

Though now that I read that last bit back, that seems pretty cool too.

I know. Whatever.


16 Jul 2010

North to Alaska

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

In a couple of days, I’ll be heading to what I’ve always thought of one of the most fascinating places on earth: Alaska.

Image: Travis S.’ Flickrstream, Creative Commons

“Alaska?!” you ask.

“Why?!” you sputter, flavoring your morning coffee with a healthy dose of envy, I imagine.

It all began when I met Mary Barber at the 2009 PRSA International Conference. Mary and I had corresponded on Twitter (is it weird to use that word in conjunction with Twitter? I don’t care.) and made a […]

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