
05 Mar 2009

Clicking Our Way To Ending Hunger

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

pledge-avatarYesterday I came across an interesting article: “What Would You Never Sell, Though Desperate For Money?” in the Chicago Tribune (hat tip to @ColonelTribune). That’s a relevant question in these times.

But what if you didn’t even have that option? What if you didn’t have anything you would never sell… to keep a roof over your head, or stay reasonably healthy, or put food on the table?

Not a pleasant thought, huh?

Through the Communicator’s Lens


27 Feb 2009

Home Is Where The Mouse Is… Maybe

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes

A few days ago, Pew Research’s “Daily Number” was 38%: the percentage of Americans who, having lived in more than one place, don’t consider their current community home. Given that this is a country of immigrants, that isn’t surprising, and a feeling I (a naturalized American of East Indian origin) can relate to.

A couple of days later, we had a friend over for lunch. Canadian-born, he’s worked all over the world, including in several African countries, and now calls Liverpool, U.K., home. At one point he asked, […]

14 Feb 2009

Five Ways to Show Twitter Love

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

It’s a cliché. A “Hallmark holiday.” “Every day should be Valentine’s Day.”

Ever heard – or made – any of those remarks?

I confess; I have, and I think they have a ring of truth. But cliché or not, Valentine’s Day is a way – admitted, perhaps born of artifice and over-commercialized – to show one’s appreciation and affection to those who make your life better.

To me, that includes my Twitterverse. So, for those of you who have fallen in love with […]

15 Jan 2009

Through a Lens, Richly

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Communicators: how do you use your lens to impact the world?

While channel-surfing a couple of years ago, I came across the documentary “Born into Brothels.” Having been born and brought up in Calcutta (now Kolkata), I was instantly captivated by the story. More than that, I was touched by Zana Briski‘s commitment to these children born, through no fault of their own, on the wrong side of the street; and her covenant to open their eyes and bring them the riches of hope – through a camera lens.

The […]

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