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02 Sep 2009

Want to Freelance? TwitterSource

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

I had a lot of fun co-hosting the first #soloPR chat on Twitter today. It was a shame that my co-host, Heather Huhman, was locked out of Twitter for the duration, but pros like Kellye Crane, Jen Wilbur, and many more shared great tips on a career as a freelance PR professional, especially for new/recent grads. That’s right, I put “career” and “freelance” in the same sentence; because it can be a great one.

You can see the entire transcript of today’s chat at the […]

13 Apr 2009

Of Job Hunting, Cologne… and Twitter

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

On April 2, a few friends and I put on the “Dream Team” hats that Ned Lundquist, ABC, bestowed on us some years ago, to help folks “Pimp My Job.”

What on earth is “Pimp My Job,” you ask?

If you subscribe to Ned’s free, weekly “Job of the Week” newsletter, which I sometimes guest-edit, you know what we’re about. But in essence, we’re a group of communicators from near and far who provide advice – sometimes mercilessly – to those […]

10 Mar 2009

To ABC or Not, That is the Question

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

A couple of weeks ago we started talking about accreditation on Twitter (at least, I did). I serve on IABC’s Accreditation Council so, clearly, think it’s a good thing. I was curious about what others thought, so I asked my networks why they had pursued, or were pursuing, accreditation, and what value they derived from it.

What’s the Value of Accreditation?

The response overwhelmed me, not just by how many there were, but by how strongly people feel about accreditation.

There were […]

18 Feb 2009

Recruiters: PR Also Means “People Relations”

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Yesterday I received one of the most unusual calls in recent memory. It was from a recruiter with Profiles, who’d presented me for a position here in DC several months ago. Times are bad, hiring is slow; still, the process with this particular position has been dragging on for several months now.

When my path first crossed that of this recruiter, I made it clear to her that I didn’t expect her to “get me” this job; but what I did ask for was for whatever the final decision was to be communicated to me. I’ve encountered some recruiters […]

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