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22 Sep 2010

Guest Blogging to Jump Start Your Career

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

If you’ve been following Waxing UnLyrical regularly, you’ll have noticed a slow but steady influx of guest bloggers.

These include Narciso Tovar, Bryce Keane and…

you’ll have to read on to see who else is coming on board (as well as the tips).

“Why guest bloggers?”

you might ask. And you’d be well within your rights to do so.

After all, isn’t Waxing UnLyrical supposed to be “personal, possibly poetic, musings on public relations, media, communications, and everything in between”?


21 Sep 2010

MeasurePR, the Don Bartholomew Edition Round II

Estimated Reading Time: 1 minute

I probably sound like a breathless teenager

But last week’s #measurepr chat with Don Bartholomew was


We continued our conversation on social media and ROI.

Many new people joined (yay!), and Don, in true self-effacing-yet-no-BS style, continued to offer up nuggets on this oh-so-hot topic in PR, such as

On not letting the tool wag the measurement dog:


20 Sep 2010

Fox and Klout Give Social Media Swag Bags

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes

I watched the pilot episode of Lone Star last night (it debuts tonight on Fox, 9/8 Central).

I was able to do this 24 hours ahead of time because I was apparently identified as one of a group of Klout influencers who were eligible for “Klout perks.”

Klout partnered with Fox to send Lone Star goodie bags to said influencers ahead of the show’s official premier, to…

… well, you can hazard a guess why.

So here’s what was in […]

17 Sep 2010

How Connected is Too Connected?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

On the road

By the time you read this, I will be on my way to an area hospital where my husband has a minor surgical procedure to undergo.

It’s nothing major, but he’ll need a ride back, so I’m going with him to make sure he’ll be ok and gets home instead of mysteriously landing up at the used record store he loves to frequent.

Because we have NO more room for records in our entertainment room/library/office.

At least, not until the basement has been modified into his “man cave.”


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