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10 May 2010

Measuring PR With Jen Zingsheim

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tomorrow Jen Zingsheim of CustomScoop will be gracing #measurePR to chat about all things PR measurement (disclosure, I’m a happy CustomScoop client).

Jen isn’t being featured on the chat because I’m a client; if you’ve been following the chat, either live or through the transcripts, you’ll see this is the first time she’s the featured guest.

I asked if she’d be interested in talking about measurement because I think she’s really smart about it. And because she loves animals and was one of my “let’s […]

05 May 2010

MeasurePR: WTTranscript?!*&!

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes


It’s been over a week since the last #measurePR chat, and you’ve probably been looking for the transcript.

Well, thanks to WTHashtag, I haven’t been able to post the transcript, because it missed a significant portion of the tweets.

I know. That’s the price of free, right?

I did manage to capture screen shots of the chat via TwitterSearch, but they’re not in chronological order… well, they’re in reverse chronological order, which means you’ll have to read them down → up, instead of up → down… and you’ll have to read […]

21 Apr 2010

Measuring PR: Data Is Just Data Without Actionable Intelligence

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

We had a great discussion at #measurePR last week, when Chuck Hemann (the “oldest 30-year-old” Sean Williams knows) was our featured guest. It’s tough to recap all the nuggets shared, not just by Chuck, but very briefly, we focused on measuring social media.

These were the three questions we (primarily) discussed:

1. How do we use monitoring and analytics tools to inform benchmarks for social media campaigns?

2. Is there a “right” suite of tools to utilize?


12 Apr 2010

Internal Doesn’t Mean Unseen: Sean Williams on #measurePR

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

How’s this for going back in time in the age of now?

My second guest on #measurePR (all the way back in February) was the inimitable Sean Williams.

If you’re a measurement geek and don’t know him… you should. Not only does he have one of the brightest minds in our field, he has one of the brightest minds, period. I was lucky that Sean was willing to take some time out of his day to sit in on the chat when it was just a couple of weeks old, […]

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