
01 Oct 2010

When #measurePR Became A Campfire

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Once  a jolly swagman camped by a billabong, under the shade of the coolibah tree…”

If you were ever a Girl Guide (I was!) or, as they say in America, Girl Scout, that might be a familiar song to you.

I don’t know why Waltzing Matilda (that’s the name of the song) is so closely identified with the Guiding tradition (anyone care to fill me in?).

Frankly, when I was 11 years old, I didn’t think about stuff like that.

Because it’s a great campfire song?

Image: Ville […]

21 Sep 2010

MeasurePR, the Don Bartholomew Edition Round II

Estimated Reading Time: 1 minute

I probably sound like a breathless teenager

But last week’s #measurepr chat with Don Bartholomew was


We continued our conversation on social media and ROI.

Many new people joined (yay!), and Don, in true self-effacing-yet-no-BS style, continued to offer up nuggets on this oh-so-hot topic in PR, such as

On not letting the tool wag the measurement dog:


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