
06 Jul 2010

MeasurePR: The Barcelona Edition

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

We had a great #measurePR chat today. Katie Paine, who helped me kick off this series, came back after a while, and it was great to have her talk about the Barcelona Principles, social media ROI “calculators” and the like.

If you’re wondering what the Barcelona Principles are, here’s what Don Bartholomew has to say about them:

“…The Second European Summit on Measurement held last week in Barcelona has come and gone, but its impact may be felt for some time to come.  The Summit was organized by the […]

29 Jun 2010

Catching Up With #measurePR

Estimated Reading Time: 1 minute

The last couple of #measurePR chats have been interesting. A few weeks ago, we resumed our chat via a “community” edition, i.e. where we literally just chatted about measuring our favorite subject, PR. There weren’t any guests, or any set agenda – just… us.

Image: Proctor Archives, Creative Commons

You can get the June #measurePR community chat transcript here.

Then, last week, we were extremely fortunate that Lee Odden was able to join us, to talk about the confluence between SEO and PR measurement.

I can’t imagine you don’t know who Lee […]

12 May 2010

Working Through Time and Space When Measuring PR

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Yesterday’s #measurePR chat with Jen Zingsheim was terrific. It might not have had the velocity of last night’s #pr20chat (more on that later), but we had a lot of new folks on the chat and quite a bit of fun too.

Jen “reported for duty” exactly on time (that’s what a military upbringing will do for you) and we had a great conversation on making the time to measure, prioritizing and how to kill AVE.

Yes, that old beast reared its ugly head again. Try as we might, we […]

10 May 2010

Measuring PR With Jen Zingsheim

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tomorrow Jen Zingsheim of CustomScoop will be gracing #measurePR to chat about all things PR measurement (disclosure, I’m a happy CustomScoop client).

Jen isn’t being featured on the chat because I’m a client; if you’ve been following the chat, either live or through the transcripts, you’ll see this is the first time she’s the featured guest.

I asked if she’d be interested in talking about measurement because I think she’s really smart about it. And because she loves animals and was one of my “let’s […]

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