Career Development

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01 Feb 2010

Five Ways to Land a Job in Social Media

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

This is a guest post from Chuck Hemann, someone I’ve enjoyed connecting with in the online world, and whom I very much hope to meet offline soon. Read on for great tips on landing a job using, and in, social media.

Social media jobs are popping up around every corner, and so are the people looking for those jobs. Unfortunately, the economic downturn took a heavy toll on the PR profession. Jobs aren’t as available for the experienced, or entry-level, professional. Because of the dearth of opportunities, many pros have taken to the […]

28 Dec 2009

3 Reasons Why Being a Volunteer Leader Helps Your Business

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

One of the great things about joining a professional development organization is that you can get hands-on leadership experience as a volunteer; experience which, they say, will serve you well in your “real” job. Certainly that’s a selling point for such organizations and in the PR/communications field, organizations such as IABC and PRSA thrive on it.

What kind of leadership skills do volunteer leaders actually gain though? And do these skills actually benefit them in their careers, or are they simply good volunteer leaders because of skills they’ve acquired […]

15 Dec 2009

PR: Make 2010 Your WIIFM Year

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Last week I (and several others) attended IABC/Washington‘s holiday party. I think a decent time was had by all (I had fun, but then, I’m the chapter president so I’d hardly rat my own chapter out).

We had wonderful holiday music provided by the Marsh Brothers (one of whom, Greg Marsh, is a chapter member; I learned this thanks to Judy Gombita, who is, I’m convinced, omniscient). We raised money for Bread for the City via a […]

02 Dec 2009

Getting a Foot in the Door with GoodieRecruit

Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes

If you’re in the PR field, a Gen Y-er, a recruiter, based in the Washington, D.C., area, or “all of the above,” you’re well aware of Heather Huhman. Heather’s one of the most prolific tweeters and writers I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know, and she focuses on helping entry-level job seekers navigate the often- (and now, it seems, always) turbulent waters of getting their feet in the proverbial door.

In addition to her “day job,” keeping up her column and religiously sharing job leads, Heather recently launched […]

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