Public Relations

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17 Feb 2010

Moving from “Buzz” to “Business”: Social Commerce Camp DC Is Coming Up

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Why bother with PR?

One of the things that yours truly focuses on in her, er my, “day job” is the business use of public relations – or, in other words, why bother with “PR” if it’s not going to impact business indicators? Far too often, I see and hear people assuming the raison d’être of “PR” is to “create buzz.”

I won’t belabor the point here but in a nutshell, it’s not. Effective PR is designed – and implemented – with a view to helping an organization […]

20 Jan 2010

The Scorsese School of PR

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest Post by Narciso Tovar

Filmmakers come and go.

Some have the staying power to make a real career out of it, while most fizzle out after a few films.

As a lead player in cinema, until you’ve earned some street cred in the business, studios and executives look for any kind of upward trend in your work – even though you were well-received in your last feature, you could very well tank (hard) in your next flick.

This is why veterans always tell newcomers that you’re only as good as your […]

19 Jan 2010

Announcing #measurepr

Estimated Reading Time: 1 minute

I had a terrific time on Twitter today. Sean Williams organized a Twitterchat with Katie Paine and myself as a precursor to our respective visits to IABC/Cleveland, and we had a good old time chatting about measurement, PR, social media and the like.

You can read the entire transcript here, if you’re interested.

I sit in on quite a few chats every now and again and the one topic that always seems to come up is measurement. I figured a regular chat on measurement, especially as it pertains to public […]

05 Jan 2010

The Queen Writes on Measuring Engagement

Estimated Reading Time: 40 seconds

I knew there was a reason I hadn’t written what seems to have become the obligatory first post of the New Year (because it invariably deals with resolutions, predictions, motivation, yadda yadda). That reason being I needed something really thoughtful to kick off 2010. And this post on measuring engagement aka relationships from – who else? – the queen of measurement, Katie Paine, is just that.

Thanks for starting off 2010 right, Katie.


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