
15 Apr 2010

Working “The Ant Principle” Of Public Relations

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest Post by Narciso Tovar

PRs: Are you the Grasshopper or the Ant?

When it comes to creating tales that have a good moral lesson to ’em, Aesop is a fella that almost immediately comes to mind.

He is credited as authoring such fables as The Lion and The Mouse, The Boy Who Cried Wolf and (drum roll please) The Ant and the Grasshopper (also known as The Grasshopper and the Ant or The Grasshopper and the Ants).

The reason I dig The Grasshopper and […]

17 Feb 2010

Moving from “Buzz” to “Business”: Social Commerce Camp DC Is Coming Up

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Why bother with PR?

One of the things that yours truly focuses on in her, er my, “day job” is the business use of public relations – or, in other words, why bother with “PR” if it’s not going to impact business indicators? Far too often, I see and hear people assuming the raison d’être of “PR” is to “create buzz.”

I won’t belabor the point here but in a nutshell, it’s not. Effective PR is designed – and implemented – with a view to helping an organization […]

20 Jan 2010

The Scorsese School of PR

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest Post by Narciso Tovar

Filmmakers come and go.

Some have the staying power to make a real career out of it, while most fizzle out after a few films.

As a lead player in cinema, until you’ve earned some street cred in the business, studios and executives look for any kind of upward trend in your work – even though you were well-received in your last feature, you could very well tank (hard) in your next flick.

This is why veterans always tell newcomers that you’re only as good as your […]

19 Jan 2010

Announcing #measurepr

Estimated Reading Time: 1 minute

I had a terrific time on Twitter today. Sean Williams organized a Twitterchat with Katie Paine and myself as a precursor to our respective visits to IABC/Cleveland, and we had a good old time chatting about measurement, PR, social media and the like.

You can read the entire transcript here, if you’re interested.

I sit in on quite a few chats every now and again and the one topic that always seems to come up is measurement. I figured a regular chat on measurement, especially as it pertains to public […]

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