kami huyse

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22 Sep 2010

Guest Blogging to Jump Start Your Career

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

If you’ve been following Waxing UnLyrical regularly, you’ll have noticed a slow but steady influx of guest bloggers.

These include Narciso Tovar, Bryce Keane and…

you’ll have to read on to see who else is coming on board (as well as the tips).

“Why guest bloggers?”

you might ask. And you’d be well within your rights to do so.

After all, isn’t Waxing UnLyrical supposed to be “personal, possibly poetic, musings on public relations, media, communications, and everything in between”?


16 Sep 2010

Through the PR Looking Glass

Estimated Reading Time: 14 minutes

Left Right Left Right

When I worked at Ruder Finn some years ago, I was told, one day, that I was being moved to an account that I perceived as less than thrilling.

Never one to hide my feelings very well (I know, weird for a former actress, but it’s true), I must have given away how not-excited I was.

Image: Gisela Giardino via Flickr, CC 2.0

Shortly after, I was marched into the office of one of the VPs (I was an Account Supervisor at […]

09 Jul 2010

Introducing Bryce Keane

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Let me cut through the press release crap.

As of July 2010, I’m thrilled that Bryce Keane will make a monthly appearance on Waxing UnLyrical.

Who is Bryce Keane?

He’s this really, really, REALLY smart dude I happened to come across on Twitter several months ago. I forget what the exact circumstances were, but I think Bryce was listening in on a Twitter chat I was doing, and asked if he could pick my brain on something.

Normally, I rear up like a rattlesnake on coke when I hear that phrase […]

30 Mar 2010

The Terrible Twos: Keeping Up With #measurePR

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

RunningWhen I started the bi-weekly #measurePR chat on Twitter last month, I had no idea how it would do.

Yes, I could tell there was a need for it (conversations in several chats I sat in on turned in the measurement direction), and yes, I’ve done a little work in the area – but even if you hope and plan till the cows come home, you never really know if they’ll deliver the milk, do you?

OK, that’s my terrible analogy for the day.

Taken […]

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