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20 Jan 2010

The Scorsese School of PR

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest Post by Narciso Tovar

Filmmakers come and go.

Some have the staying power to make a real career out of it, while most fizzle out after a few films.

As a lead player in cinema, until you’ve earned some street cred in the business, studios and executives look for any kind of upward trend in your work – even though you were well-received in your last feature, you could very well tank (hard) in your next flick.

This is why veterans always tell newcomers that you’re only as good as your […]

16 Jan 2010

Go Social, Give Wisely

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

The way philanthropic organizations have been mobilizing social media in recent years to raise funds isn’t really “shiny new stuff” any more. Still, the recent waves of donations after the earthquake have been coming at lightning speed.

In light of that, I’ve been intrigued by The Smoking Gun’s scrutiny of Wyclef Jean’s charity, Yéle Haiti (also reported on in today’s Washington Post). Having run communications for the ASPCA during some critical events in the animal welfare arena, I know how generous people can be […]

06 Jan 2010

Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

With IABC/Washington’s first chapter meeting of 2010 coming up next week, I thought it would be interesting to see what our moderator, Daria Steigman, had to say of the communication changes over the past decade (h/t Geoff Livingston for giving me the idea from the final BlogPotomac). That’s what our meeting’s focusing on, or “looking back, looking ahead,” as its title goes.

I know Daria will have a lot more to say come next Thursday, but in the meantime, here’s a peek into her grey matter to […]

31 Dec 2009

Who The Heck Are These “Media Mavens”?

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

I came across this MediaPost article today on what to do when social media “attacks.”

Apparently the “media mavens” surveyed in the report mentioned came up with the following as “counter-strategies” when advertisers come across negative comments in social media:

As one might expect, there is no magic bullet for countering negative comments: the two most popular responses were directly engaging the commenter, a tactic used by 47% of social media advertisers surveyed, and improving the quality of products or services being advertised, according to 33% of respondents.

Aside from these commonsensical but […]

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