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02 Sep 2010

Making The Most Of A Twitter Chat

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes

Huddle, huddle, roil and muddle

I remember the first Twitter chat I attended. It was #journchat, one of the first, if not the first, Twitter chats created.

Image: Maria Johnson via Flickr, CC 2.0

It drove me nuts.

The stream moved so quickly, it was really hard to keep up with what was going on. And if there’s one thing I pride myself on, it’s being able to keep up with several things at once or, as the jargonites […]

01 Sep 2010

Social Media ROI v. Impact: Don’t Confuse The Two

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

What exactly is ROI?

What is social media ROI?

Image: Mark Smiciklas via Flickr, CC 2.0

Is ROI or “impact” more important? Or are they equally important?

Should companies starting out in social media be concerned about ROI?

These were the questions we discussed on yesterday’s #measurePR chat with Don Bartholomew, aka @donbart.


31 Aug 2010

Taking A Bow On BNET

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Exactly a week ago, something really really really good happened to/for me.

Even though I couldn’t officially spill the beans, I had to tell my friends (of course).

They were equally happy for me and, I suspect, a little frustrated that it would take me a week to come clean. This was my Facebook post that day:

A week hence

Now, that day has come, and I can officially tell you…

Today marks my debut as a […]

30 Aug 2010

Ghost In The WMATA Machine

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Something spammy this way comes

As someone who occasionally has to ride the DC area public transit system, I signed up for email alerts from WMATA, the transit authority than runs the oft-plagued system.

Since yesterday, I’ve received 22 email “alerts” from them.

Not one of them has anything to do with delays or the lack thereof on any of the Metro lines.

Instead, they invite me to:

… take advantage of “killer prices” on certain prescription drugs,


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