#measurePR: Learning From the Community
Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutesThey say there is no "I" in "team." Well, there's no "I" in "community" either, as a recent #measurePR Twitter chat showed.
If you didn't find what you were looking for, try a new search!
They say there is no "I" in "team." Well, there's no "I" in "community" either, as a recent #measurePR Twitter chat showed.
As blogs grow in their sphere of influence, are some blog posts starting to resemble 20th-century advertorials? Jackson Wightman takes a look.
If you’ve been following Waxing UnLyrical regularly, you’ll have noticed a slow but steady influx of guest bloggers.
These include Narciso Tovar, Bryce Keane and…
you’ll have to read on to see who else is coming on board (as well as the tips).
“Why guest bloggers?”
you might ask. And you’d be well within your rights to do so.
After all, isn’t Waxing UnLyrical supposed to be “personal, possibly poetic, musings on public relations, media, communications, and everything in between”?
A thud for chucks and chicklets
This week’s #measurePR chat was a riot.
The day started (for me, in Alaska), with finding that the oh-so-awesome Lee Odden mentioned the chat as one of the top (in his opinion) Twitter chat for marketing and PR chucks and chicklets.
OK, he didn’t say C&C. That’s all me.
I thought it would be more fun than saying “marketing/PR/SM professionals of all shapes, sizes, hues and gastronomic proclivities.”
Though now that I read that last bit back, that seems pretty cool too.
I know. Whatever.
I know what you’re thinking: since when was Shepherd’s Pie a guilty pleasure?
The guilt is more a personal thing; looking through this blog, I realized I hadn’t posted a recipe in a couple of months.
Well, blame #snowmageddon. How on earth am I supposed to keep up the cooking/blogging end of things when 3+ feet of snow has only just disappeared?
At any rate, here we go again. This is my version of a classic comfort dish, using cauliflower instead of potatoes to cut down on the “bad” […]
#measurePR has had a lot of great guests and insights for the past three months. Here's a recap of what happened in March, April, and May.
The #measurePR Twitter chat ended 2017 on a high note with chats in November and December that armed attendees with tons of measurement smarts.
This week I introduce you to Brandon Andersen, Chief Strategist at Ceralytics, in the Social PR Spotlight.
Snapchat is becoming a popular platform for brands and campaigns. Karen Freberg examines how to also the platform for teamwork and collaboration.
Showing that you care can be a competitive advantage. Lorne Pike explains why genuine care can save your business from ever being a commodity.